Home Your Council Transparency Code How we meet the Local Government Transparency Code  

How we meet the Local Government Transparency Code  


Holme Valley Parish Council meets the definition of a local authority covered by the requirements of the Code, defined as a ‘parish council which has gross annual income or expenditure (whichever is higher) exceeding £200,000’

The Parish Council complies with the requirements of the Code where applicable, by publishing the information on its website. The requirements of the code stipulate that, relevant to the Parish Council’s situation, we publish the following information:

Publication required of Holme Valley Parish Council under the Transparency Code

Expenditure Exceeding £500

Publication Frequency: Monthly

Visit our Accounts page to view the expenditure sheets detailing each individual items of expenditure including those exceeding £500.

Accounting information includes credit notes over £500.

Procurement Information

Publication Frequency: Quarterly

Details of every invitation to tender for contracts to provide goods and services; details of contracts, commissioned, activity and purchases exceeding £5,000 are available on our finance page.

Local Authority Land and Assets

Publication Frequency: Annually

The Parish Council reviews its asset register on at least an annual basis to ensure that it is up to date. View our current Asset Register. 

Holme Valley Parish Council retains some land in the Holme Valley administered through the separate Holme Valley Land Charity; the Parish Council also owns garages for lease at Thirstin Road, Honley and at Dover Lane, Holmfirth and has allotments at Watery Lane, Holme


Publication Frequency: Annually

Details of our grants process is available on our Grants Page.  

Details of organisations who have been awarded a grant are published on our Accounts page, and we also maintain a collated list of all grants awarded in the previous financial year.

Organisation Chart                                                                                                                  

Publication Frequency: Annually             


Publication Frequency: Annually

Local Councils unlike principal authorities are not required by law to adopt a constitution. However they do need to adopt Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and other governing Policy Documents which set out how the Council governs itself.


Publication Frequency: As necessary

Local Councils must publish and disclose items of fraud as they arise. 

22 August 2024
Last Updated
22 August 2024