Home How do meetings work?

How do meetings work?

A Chairman or Chair will lead every Council or Committee meeting, normally assisted by a Vice-Chair/man. The Clerk, Deputy Clerk or Assistant Clerk will act as officer to the meeting, to ensure that the Council continues to act legally (i.e. within its powers and duties).

The meeting must have a quorum number of Councillors present to allow decisions to be valid. This is a minimum of eight for the full Council and varies for the Committees. Every Council and Standing Committee meeting starts with a public open session when members of the public can speak to the Council. Each person is limited to three minutes and it is recommended that anyone wishing to speak during this session contacts the Officer in advance where possible, so there is an opportunity to order the agenda to consider that particular area of interest first.

Council meetings follow a strict set of ‘Standing Orders’ (agreed rules and procedures for the meetings) and these dictate what Councillors can and cannot do, but also help structure discussions. As a result, there is not usually an opportunity for Councillors to ask questions to the public or for them to speak again once the main part of the meeting is under way. It is therefore advisable to contact your ward Councillor in advance of attending to discuss the matter, so they can welcome you on arrival and any questions can be discussed with you beforehand; they will then be able to provide any clarification required by other Councillors during the meeting.

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Working and Steering Groups 

Small informal groups are set up as required to consider specific issues in more detail when necessary. Such groups have included the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, the Grants Working Party and the Community Asset Transfer Working Group which secured the asset transfer of Honley Library.

These meetings have no formal agendas or minutes, but Action Points are normally recorded by the Officer or a lead member of the group. Meetings are not normally open to the public, although if you have views on a subject area covered by a working/steering group, you are welcome to contact the Clerk to discuss the matter further. Your views can then be passed on to the Chairman of the Group, for consideration at a future meeting.

If appropriate, a working/steering group may be extended, to include representatives of local community groups, businesses and individuals, e.g. the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group had a wider community representation than just Members of the Council, to make valid and sustained contributions to the Neighbourhood Plan process.

21 August 2024
Last Updated
21 August 2024