Home Upper Holme Valley Ward Cllr Sarah Whitelaw

Cllr Sarah Whitelaw

Register of Interests

Although I have lived and worked in many places in the UK and abroad I have been back here, in ‘God’s Own County,’ for over thirty years.

I grew up in the East Riding and Wakefield. As an only child with no children or close family I have had time to be involved in many community groups and activities. These include Holmfirth WI, Holmfirth Film Festival and Cafe 100, where I am a Trustee. I sing with the Soul Choir, paint with the Emergence group, am in two book groups and socialise a lot with friends and my Astronomer partner, John !!

My professional life has been in Education. My passion has been to help make a positive difference to children and young people’s lives. I taught Textiles, Art and Design in Secondary schools. At Leeds University I lead the Secondary teacher training programme. At the Department of Education in Manchester, I lead on Business and Diversity in the Recruitment Division.

In my role as a Parish Councillor and Chair of the Climate Action, Communications and Engagement Committee (CACE) I will work with my Parish Council colleagues, Kirklees Councillors and officers, Community Groups and interested individuals to ‘get things done’ !! My priorities are to help make sure: – people in the Holme Valley understand what the Parish Council is doing and can do; – HVPC meets its Climate Action targets; – that the interests of residents in my Ward, Upper Holme Valley, are represented. I love it here and want to help make it the best place it can be for all its residents. The Holme Valley is my home as well as theirs.

28 August 2024
Last Updated
26 September 2024