Home News News Public Christmas Displays in the Holme Valley 2024

Public Christmas Displays in the Holme Valley 2024

It’s CHRISTMAAAASSSSS!!!!!  (well…nearly)

Nothing says ‘IT’S CHRIIISTMAASSS!!!’ quite like a well-decorated Christmas tree providing a focus for community get-togethers.  Of course, a living tree is even better.  Or perhaps you prefer some other public decoration?

Holmfirth and Honley centres – sorted

For 2024 the Parish Council has already committed to:

  • Giving a grant to Honley Christmas Team towards decorations in Honley centre.
  • Paying Kirklees for installation/lighting of a tree in Holmfirth centre.  
  • Giving a grant to Holmfirth Christmas Team towards decorations in Holmfirth centre.

New grants available now!

The Parish Council is keen to support local entities/groups throughout all 12 wards to have decorations for public display to brighten their community.  For this purpose, up to 12 grants of up to £250 are available towards funding displays.  The Parish Council can order and pay for the delivery and collection of a Christmas tree from T KirkForestry on behalf of successful applicants if required.

Past tree recipients

The Parish Council will be in touch soon with those community groups who have received a Christmas tree previously.  This includes Holmbridge (St David’s), Upperthong (Royal Oak), Holme Village (Fleece Inn), Hinchliffe Mill (Stumble Inn) and Scholes (Methodist Church).

New recipients

Kirklees Council-sourced trees have been used in the past in Brockholes, New Mill, Netherthong and Wooldale.  Unfortunately, these are no longer available at an affordable price.  The Parish Council is hopeful that these communities will still wish to have a decorated tree as a focal point for celebrations. Community groups/entities (thank you, Rock Inn, Brockholes!) are encouraged to apply for a grant.  In fact, any established community group that knows of a great space available for a public seasonal display outside of Holmfirth and Honley centres – apply for a grant!

What’s involved

You and your group will need to be prepared to erect and decorate your display/tree yourselves.  Your group/entity will need to have public liability or other insurance in place to cover your tree display.

How to apply for a grant

Grant application forms are available on the Holme Valley Parish Council website or from the Clerk at clerk@holmevalleyparishcouncil.gov.uk. Or ring 01484 687460 leaving a message outside of office hours. 

Deadline for receipt of applications

On behalf of your group, you will need to complete a simple grant application form by 9am Monday 28 October.  

14 October 2024
Last Updated
14 October 2024
Published in